Carrier Pigeon

A very rare metal tube used to carry messages by carrier pigeons.
A message was inserted in the tube and attached to the leg of a carrier pigeon to relay important communications.
Carrier pigeons were very valuable assets in wartime communication as they could transport communications over great distances and were used for hundreds of years.

Church Pulpit

With many church congregations decreasing and closing, the museum has had many requests to save the honour rolls and plaques that adorned the walls of the churches to honour parishioners who served in all wars.
One unique artifact the museum has on display is from a church that was to close.
The Pulpit from St. John’s Anglican Church in Brantford with the honour roll of parishioners from the First and Second World Wars carved into it now preserved for all our visitors to see.

Korea First Shot

The museum is very honoured to preserve and display valuable artifacts of the Korean War donated by the Korean Veterans Association.
One very rare and important artifact proudly on display is:
A shell casing ‘From the first shot fired by Canadian Forces of the United Nations at Yosu, Korea in August, 1950 from the Canadian Naval ship HMCS Cayuga.’

Mussolini Album

This Album was given as a birthday present by the Italian Railroad workers to Benito Mussolini.
On November 18, 1944 a Polish Infantry Unit, after a short skirmish with German troops in Mussolini’s summer villa, took possession of this album which was to about be destroyed with other military documents.
It was donated to the museum by Eugene Mulak, a member of Polish Combatants Assn. Branch #4

Piece of the Berlin Wall

Germany Divided- THE IRON CURTAIN
The 12 foot tall Berlin wall was built in the summer of 1961 by the German Democratic Republic (GDR.)
They built it so East Germans could not escape from the Soviet Union who controlled East Germany after World War Two.
The end of the Berlin Wall and the beginning of the reunification of Germany started in the summer of 1989, when Hungary decided to take down the Iron Curtain and open the borders which created an exodus of thousands of East Germans going to West Germany. The Wall was finally breached by jubilant Berliners on 9 November 1989, unifying a city that had been divided for over 30 years and on the 11th and 13th the wall came down. This is a small piece of the Berlin Wall.


A Passion
for History